Sunday, April 15, 2012


Yay......its happening.......we are moving back to South least temporary! Then hopefully we will be moving down to Florida! I've waited so long or this. I've also bounced back and forth about rebuilding the house in S.D. and staying there or Building a new house on the farm or even moving a Mobile home to the farm and staying in S.D.

the packing is driving me nuts. I have been thinking of just getting rid of it all. After all most stuff I haven't seen in 6 yrs or better. lol some is still packed from moving the last time. But there is a madness to it all or at least an explanation......either we weren't staying here so I left it packed or we didn't have the room to put it out. grrrrrr so many decision's!!!!

I'll try to be better at posting. But if it gets to much with the packing I;ll wait till we are moved and settled. Oh yes that will be including Facebook.......I am already slowing down on talking(posting) and playing games. SEE YA

1 comment:

Walker said...

Blogger changed so much i am so confused.
I am happy you are where you want to be and I know about stuff you don't need and hold onto for some reason.
I have been dumping to make room for new junk ha ha ha.

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