Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sat Photo Hunt - Messy

Nothing says messy like a baby with his first bite of chocolate candy. Not only does he seems to like it but grandpa does too. But the best part of this mess is that grandpa cleaned him up. He said I helped him to make the mess I will clean it up! Awww what a sweet guy!


Anonymous said...

HAHA~ your baby is cute~
Hope you will visit my photo hunter post~
Have a nice weekend!

Carver said...

That's an adorable messy shot.

Baba said...

Good morning Gab, what a cute shot of your grand with his pop...Chocolate taste better when it gets messy on your face..Have a great day..

Anonymous said...

Isn't he a cutie! Love when they make such a mess. Happy New Year.

kljs said...

Cute baby eating chocolate!
second one I have seen for photohunt Saturday!

Walker said...

I bet thats a face you couldn't stop from kissing over and over and over....

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