Thursday, December 06, 2007



I went to the specialist again today. you know the one the gastric specialist, and here is what happened:

I went in and they did the scope down the throat. When he got finished looking he said.. "Well, it looks good, your healing and the hernia is shrinking". So I asked " What about having a "lapband" put in"? He replied "No, I'm sorry your not a good candidate for that, because you have had so many other surgeries and have a lot of scare tissue so I don't recommend it at all". "What I do recommend is that you stay with this diet that you've been on and the meds I gave you 6 weeks earlier and lets see what happens". Then he proceeded to tell me to join something like LAweight loss clinic or Nutra Systems but not Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers. In his opinion those two are the worse as far as helping people loose weight. Of course you understand the first two are the more expensive ones. Either way I can't afford any of the four he named. SO it's going to be all up to me. One thing that bothered me is they didn't even weigh me this time around.
All day I've been really groggy. In fact I think I might have visited some blogs today and I haven't a clue as to what I wrote or said. I have also slept off and on all day. And right now bed is looking good to me again. Just wanted to stop in and let you know the results.
My next appointment is the 16th of this month with the rheumatoid doc. Night


lime said...

lemme tell ya, if you can get a hold of the old weight watchers plan you can do it yourself for free. a friend of mine had the points counter and guiidlines and she gave me an extra set. it's all regular food, it's just a way of counting up food values for yourself. i had an injured back and was nto really able to do the exercise portion of things but i still took off 25 lbs in about 3 or 4 months by just following the food intakes guidelines. free i tell ya.

SignGurl said...

Gab, I'm not wanting to push this, but have you ever asked another doctor about weight loss surgery? I know the surgeons I went through do "hard" cases like yours. Some doctors, like my primary care doc, will never support weight loss surgery. I would push him and ask him exactly why you aren't a candidate.

Hope you are feeling better.

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