Sunday, November 18, 2007


I'm not going to leave a long post. I'm basically just checking in.
Today was a long and tiring day for me. Because I babysat last night while daughter worked the hut, I went to bed a little later than I do weekdays. But last night was a little different than most Saturday nights.
You see Saturday nights is what the kids and I call movie night. That's where the boys pick out a movie to watch and after I watch a show that gets over at, we start our movie. That way the kids get to stay up late and usually sleep in late Sunday morning. This helps my daughter as she gets home between 2 and 4 am depending if she closes or not.
But this week we had our Movie Friday night because of the party today. On Saturday morning we had a breakfast benefit for football so we had to go eat pancakes,scrambled eggs, sausage,drink orange juice and coffee. Well ok, now you know I couldn't have some of the stuff so I passed them off to grand kids. I really love sausage but I gave one to each of the oldest grandsons. Then one of them got my orange juice. I went with decaff coffee and also asked for water. I ate the eggs and one pancake then passed the other 2 off to my oldest son. Mr gab was suppose to go but he worked a overnight shift and didn't get off until 2pm so our oldest son went instead. So we had to get up fairly early to go to this. I had planned to take a nap but things didnt work out. So last night we started a movie but everyone was so tired that we just called it quits right in the middle of it. Then this morning we got up early again although I dont know why it just made the day drag longer. I did get a small nap in before the party so I was at least a little more alert.
Now we are home and I'm wrapping things up to go off to bed EARLY!!!!!
Hope you all had a great weekend. And to those of you who have to go to work tomorrow "I'm sorry"


Anonymous said...

Love you for your posts.



Have a restfull evening now..

SignGurl said...

I had to go to bed at 7 last night because of being so exhausted. I need to stop staying up all night on Saturdays. It's killing me.

barman said...

I am sneaking into work for a moment before anyone gets there (I have the week off but we are moving next Monday and I need to finish packing) than ... because of this post ... I think I am going off to get breakfast. You made me hungry. I hope your week goes well and you have a wonderful holiday.

Anonymous said...

that breakfast was making me hungry.:)

BTExpress said...

I feel bad for people that have to work too. :-(



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