Sunday, October 05, 2008

Have you noticed?

I've done two things to my blog.

1) I've changed the color to pink because October is Breast Cancer awareness month.

2) I've dropped a lot of my side information...such as who visits, who I visit, etc. etc. I will put them back at some later date and time. But I'm gonna pick and choose what I put back. I was beginning to think my blog looked messy! I want a classy looking blog LOL.

Anyways dropping this stuff does not mean I can't find can hide but I will find you J/K. You could hide and I couldnt find you I know.

And Im not leaving as many comments as before as with the little guy here its been hard to get online. IF MR GAB EVER has the time to look at my laptop! I could leave more comments. But either way. Im there for ya...just not talking much these days!


Walker said...

Is your blog and you can do what you wan to.
I have been looking a some changes myself but am trying to keep as much as i can so I am doing it on my test site first lol

barman said...

Don't worry about online time. Come around when you can. I am sure at some point things will work out a little better for you and you can visit more often.

The new look is fresh and that is nice. And pink, great idea. Good for you. But October is also Octoberfest month. So where is the beer I ask you, where is the beer? LOL

See you around the joint.

SignGurl said...

I love it!! Very nice!

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